
Showing posts from December, 2022

Fissile materials what are those?

  Fissile materials are substances that can sustain a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction through induced fission. These materials have the ability to undergo fission when struck by a neutron, releasing a significant amount of energy and additional neutrons. Fissionability: Fissile materials possess the property of fissionability, which means they can undergo induced fission. When a fissile nucleus absorbs a neutron, it becomes highly unstable and splits into two or more smaller nuclei. This fission process releases a significant amount of energy and additional neutrons. Nuclear Chain Reaction: Fissile materials are capable of sustaining a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. When a fissile nucleus undergoes fission, it releases several prompt neutrons. These neutrons can then induce fission in neighboring fissile nuclei, leading to a chain reaction. The released energy and additional neutrons continue the reaction, resulting in a sustained release of energy. Critical Mass: The c